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The said professional has successfully completed training and is allowed to work with children in robotics classes.

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Retiffy certificate RETS7B issued to Ryan Griggs from template Robopartans Certified Instructor with values,city:Sofia,template:Robopartans Certified Instructor,_robopartans:"Robopartans",,_school_of_robotics:School of robotics ,_certificate:certificate,teacher1:Aleksandar Pavlov,_this_certificates_is_with_number:This certificate has the number of ,_check_its _alidity_at:Check its validity at,title:Teacher of LEGO Robotics,_teachers:Robopartans Trainer,description:This teacher has sucessfully completed a two-month training with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education set. The teacher was also trained in the methodology of „Robopartans“ to work with students from 8 to 16. This certificate entitles the teacher to teach classes in the School of robotics and its academies.,date:11/20/2017,name:Ryan Griggs